Darae Gil
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Contact / CV
Artist's statement: 길다래
Art criticism-9
Art criticism-8
Art criticism-7
Art criticism-6 박석태
Art criticism-5 길다래
Art criticism-4 김홍기
Art criticism-3 이한범
Art criticism-2 박석태
Art criticism-1 박석태
*동무비평 삼사 . 임시공간
*인천을 걷다 . 플랫폼지 기고
*Artwork Presentation: 시작공간일부
서울 밤의 탱고: Night Tango in Seoul
일시적인 구조물들: Temporary Structures
서울 블루스: Seoul Blues
Beautifully Vulnerable Things
Happy Ghosts' Love Songs
인천 향수 - Incheon Nostalia -
서울 엘레지: Seoul elegie
인천 풍경 . Incheon Scenery
인천사람 . Incheon ian
Three open gesture
쉬운정원 . Easy Garden
A sea of the deep sea
인천수첩 . Incheon note
수집, Omnibus
Project Exhibitions
바다 a sea
파도들 Waves
7 pieces near the sea
바다 산불 . Wild sea, Wildfire
인천포구 . Last port of Incheon
배치들 . Arrangements
A blue arrangement
A blue garden 2
A blue garden 1
kind of talking in blue 2
kind of talking in blue 1
A beautiful garden
gallery Factory
Space Beam
Video works
Past Spark Love
Stormy Seoul 폭풍의 서울
Beautiful Sounds and Video4
Reciting video3: 인천 향수
Reciting video2: 인천 풍경
Reciting video1: 말하기에 대하여
Beautiful Sounds and Video3
Beautiful Sounds and Video2
Beautiful Sounds and Video1
Poem in Incheon: 인천을 걷는 시
토끼 소나타 : Her sonata
Tempo x 11 : words
인천 향수: Incheon Nostalgia
서울 엘레지: Seoul elegie
Yeon-An Wharf Rhapsody
인천산책 with Lu ZHANG 장률
인천수첩 . Incheon note
Rhythm of BlueBlack
Reading Projects
Nostalgic Reading 향수어린 낭독
Howling Live - Stormy Parts -
Room for 4: 푸른 장막의 소리들
Olympus: Reciting workshop
Three people's reading
Three open gesture
Three little gesture
Rhythm of reading
3' serenade
Open Blues
Drawing Movements
A ship passing
A nostalgic face
A blue paper
A girl
A boy
A room
Objects 2007 -2011
a structure
a castle
a fish
a shelf
l arbre
a garden
on a Table
a blue city
2 tables
La gare
3 combo
his log cabin
a pearl frame
a table n a crown
blue wood peaces
white stationary seaweed
a small pool
4 animals
6 animals
my deer
un cygne
un cygne
un cygne (mov)
in a birdcage
yellow blue parrot
Paper drawings 2002-2009
un cerf
de l eau
une cage
un perron
2 poisson
un cerf bleu
dans le bleu
un petit bleu
singing bird sisters
mon alter poisson x2
Photo drawings 2002-2008
an abandoned hat blue
Pierre Marcolini
une salle bleue
photocopie / drawing
Le rayon bleu 파란광선: 2012-2017
: 파란광선
: 녹색광선
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Copyright ⓒ Darae Gil
Built with
on a Table
35cmx35cmx30cm, 2011, Incheon