Jul. 2022
사가 SAGA exhibition
'흰 글씨, 검은 픽셀: White text, Black Pixel'
July 7 to 31, Thu - Sun
"Seoul elegie" by Darae Gil
주최.주관: 사가
지원: 서울특별시, 청년허브
Lists of art pieces
1. 서울 풍경: Seoul elegie, 1010x300x340mm, Drawings and text, 2022
2. 서울 풍경: Seoul elegie, 1200x2000x700mm, Mixed media, 2022
3. Beautiful Sounds and Video2: Seoul elegie, 00”15”15, HDVideo
4. 서울 엘레지: Seoul elegie, 105x150mm, A pink Book published, 2022
5. 까만 악마들: The Black Devils, 380x300x205mm Clay object, 2022
6. 까만 새장: A black cage, 200x200mm Clay object, 2022